目的探讨128层螺旋CT对心肌桥的诊断效能,评估壁冠动脉狭窄程度。方法对146例可疑冠心病患者进行128层螺旋CT冠状动脉血管成像,VR、MIP、MPR、CPR对血管进行重建,短轴多平面重组,分析血管在收缩期或舒张期血管狭窄程度。结果多种图像后处理技术中,MPR/CPR/MIP重建更有利于心肌桥一壁冠状动脉的显示;共检出30例心肌桥,34段;19例发生在前降支,10例发生在回旋支,1例发生在右冠状动脉;17例伴有不同程度的邻近冠状动脉粥样板块形成;1例合并冠状动脉起源异常。结论 128层螺旋CT结合多种图象后处理技术,尤其MPR/CPR/MIP重建可以清晰显示心肌桥一壁冠状动脉,是一种能够无创、准确诊断心肌桥一壁冠状动脉的重要手段。
Objective To evaluate myocardial bridge (MB) and mural coronary artery (MCA) by 128-slice spiral CT, and to analyse the stenosis extent. Methods 146 patients who may be suffering from coronary heart disease undergone CT coronary angiography (CTCA) were reviewed for this study. The methods included VR MIP MPR and CPR. The stenosis extent in end-systolic and or end-diastolic were analysed. Results CTCA identified 30 patients with MB and detected 34 MB section; 19 cases were found in LAD, 10 cases were found in CX, 1 case was found in RCA; 17 cases of coronary ar- tery atherosclerosis of blood vessels were found; 1 case was accompanied with origin of deformations. Conclusion 128- slice spiral CT various reconstructions, especially VR MIP MPR and CPR, can clearly show MB and MCA, and 128-slice spiral CT coronary angiography is an accurate and non-invasive technique in the diagnosis of myocardial bridge and mural coronary artery.
Journal of Medical Imaging