Rhodium metal is a good catalyst for many organic reactions. In order to elucidate the nature of the activation of substrate by Rh, an ab initio method was used to study the interaction of H2, CO and N2 with Rh or Rh2.ECP(effective core potential) and DZ basis sets were used for Rh, while STO-3G was used for C, O, N, and 6-31G for H. Three kinds of approach (side-on,on-top,bridge) were chosen as models for the interaction. The calculated results showed that the side-on approach was the most effective model for H2-Rh2 system, dissociaton of H2 molecule occurred in side-on approach, while there was no inheraction in other approaches. CO interacted with Rh2 in bridge approach with the bond between carbon and oxygen weakened, the bond length of CO was lengthened from 0.1146 nm to 0.1232 nm. As for the interaction of N2 with Rh2, the bond length of N2 molecule was lengthened to about that of single bond in side-on approach, in other approaches, the results were similar to that of CO. All the results were explained with the frontier orbital theory.