针对人们普遍感到现行公交车内噪声大的情况,对广州市液化石油气新型空调公交车内的噪声进行了噪声实测,测量结果显示公交车内的噪声在70 dB以上。对公交车上主要噪声源和对车内噪声的影响因素进行分析,针对公交车上主要的噪声源和影响因素,对测试公交车进行简单的改装,然后对改装车辆进行测量,结果显示减噪效果相当明显。因此,对于目前广州公交车噪声偏大的实际情况,提出了有效降低车辆内部噪声的主要措施。
People generally feel that the noises inside buses are very loud. This study takes Guangzhou liquefied petroleum gas air - conditioned bus as an object. The measurement results show that the noises are above 70dB. Major noise sources both inside and outside the buses were analyzed. A simple modification was made, and results show that the noise reduction effect is obvious. Therefore, some countermeasures for reducing the noises were proposed based on the current situation of Guangzhou buses.
Environmental Science and Management