目的 探讨肘关节副韧带的形态结构特点和在不同屈曲角度时的形态变化规律。方法在54侧成人肘关节标本上解剖、观察时关节副韧带的组成、形态特点及肘关节不同屈曲角度时副韧带的形态变化。结果(1)尺侧副韧带前束起于肱骨内上髁的前下方,止于尺骨冠突内侧的小结节;后束起于肱骨内上髁的内下方,止于尺骨鹰嘴内侧的骨面;(2)桡侧副韧带起于肱骨外上髁的外下方,其纤维部分止于环状韧带,部分止于尺骨冠突的外下方;桡侧副韧带和桡骨环状韧带在尺骨上的止点有两种类型:I型占 61.2%,桡侧副韧带的部分纤维汇于环状韧带的尺骨止点,另一部分纤维单独止于稍远的尺骨上; Ⅲ型占 38. 8%,桡侧副韧带和环状韧带形成一宽的纤维止于尺骨上;(3)在肘关节屈曲60°以前,尺侧副韧带前束的外侧部紧张而内侧部较松弛,肘关节屈曲超过60°后,前束内外侧处于同程度的紧张状态;尺侧副韧带的后束在肘关节屈曲超过90°后才被拉紧;(4)桡侧副韧带在肘关节不同屈曲状态时其紧张度逐渐增加,当肘关节屈曲超过90°时,桡侧副韧带被明显拉长。结论 肘关节副韧带是维持肘关节稳定的重要结构,在肘关节的运动过程中,副韧带的不同组成部分发挥着不同的作用。
To study the anatomical and mobile characteristics of collateral ligaments of the elbow. Methods The ligaments composition, shape and motion of the elbow in 54 cadaveric specimens were studied in dissection. Results The anterior bundle of ulnar collateral ligament originates from the inferior aspect of the medial epicondyle and inserts immediately adjacent to the joint surface on the ulna near the sublimis tubercle. The posterior bundle originates from the medial epicondyle slightly posterior to its most inferior portion and inserts broadly on the olecranon process. The lateral collateral ligament arises from the inferior aspect of the lateral epicondyle. Two types of conjoined lateral collateral and annular ligamentous insertions on the ulna were observed. TypeⅠ (61. 2% ) was bilobate and type Ⅱ (38. 8% ) was a single broad conjoined type with insertion on the ulna. The anterior band of anterior bundle was more tighten than the posterior band as the elbow flexed less than 60°. When the elbow flexed over 60°, the two parts of anterior bundle were equally tightened. The posterior bundle was tightened as the elbow was flexed more than 90°. The lateral collateral ligament was tightened gradually as the elbow moved in flexion. Conclusion The collateral ligaments of the elbow are important elements in keeping elbow stability. Each component of the ligaments has its own distinct role during flexion and extension of the elbow joint.
Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics