
基于开绕组结构的永磁风力发电机控制策略 被引量:21

Control strategy of permanent magnet wind generator based on open winding configuration
摘要 为了实现永磁风力发电机组大容量、高性能的运行需求,建立一种基于开绕组结构的永磁同步发电机和两个级联两电平变流器组成的风力发电系统。对该系统所采用的矢量控制、无位置传感器运行、空间矢量调制等技术进行了研究。通过建立开绕组永磁同步发电机的数学模型,得出基于转子磁场定向的矢量控制策略,进而结合基于反电势估算法的无位置传感器运行技术,研究了开绕组永磁同步发电机在两个机侧变流器下的目标矢量分配方法及对应的空间矢量调制策略。分析结果表明,所提出的开绕组永磁同步发电系统不仅降低了机侧变流器的容量,还起到了三电平的调制效果。实验结果验证了所提结构及控制策略的正确性和可行性。 Aimed at the operation demands on the large capacity and high performance of permanent mag- net synchronous generator (PMSG) for wind power generation system, the generation system with open winding based PMSG and two cascaded two-level converter is built, in which the vector control, position sensorless control, space vector modulation are investigated. By analyzing the mathematic model of the open winding PMSG, the vector control strategy based on the rotor flux orientation and the sensorless op- eration technique based on the back electromotive force estimation was implemented, and then the target vector assignment method and the corresponding space vector modulation strategy for the two generator- side converter were also studied. The analysis results indicate that the proposed open winding PMSG sys- tem can not only decrease the generator-side converter capacity, but achieve the three-level modulation effect. The correctness and availability of the proposed system and control strategy are validated by the experimental results.
出处 《电机与控制学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期79-85,共7页 Electric Machines and Control
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2012QNA4010)
关键词 永磁同步发电机 开绕组结构 无位置传感器运行 矢量控制 permanent magnet synchronous generator open winding position sensorless control vector control
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