
Comparison of Thyroid Hormones Levels in Female Ducks Blood and Embryo

Comparison of Thyroid Hormones Levels in Female Ducks Blood and Embryo
摘要 [Objective] The comparison of levels of thyroid hormones (T3,T4 and FT3) in female ducks serum and embryo of different embryonic age between Gaoyou duck and Jinding duck were made to provide basic data for further research.[Method] The levels of thyroid hormones (T3,T4 and FT3) in female ducks serum,fertilized eggs,and 7,11,15,19,22,28-days embryo of Gaoyou duck and Jinding duck were analyzed with radioimmunoassay (RIA).[Result]The levels of thyroid hormones in fertilized eggs were higher than those in serum of female ducks;different embryonic age hormone level of Gaoyou duck and Jinding duck in serum had almost the same variation trend,which was low but relatively stable after 15 days.[Conclusion] The result suggested that thyroid hormones play an important role in duck embryonic development,especially in the early period. [Objeclive] The comparison of levels of thyroid hormones (T3, T4 and FT3) in female ducks serum and embryo of different embryonic age between Gaoyou duck and Jinding duck were made to provide basic data for further research. [Method] The levels of thyroid hormones (T3, T4 and FT3) in female ducks serum, fertilized eggs, and 7, 11,15, 19, 22, 28-days embryo of Gaoyou duck and Jinding duck were analyzed with radioimmunoassay (RIA). [ Result]The levels of thyroid hormones in fertilized eggs were higher than those in serum of female ducks; different em- bryonic age hormone level of Gaoyou duck and Jinding duck in serum had almost the same variation trend, which was low but relatively stable after 15 days. [Condusion] The result suggested that thyroid hormones play an important role in duck embryonic development, especially in the early peded.
出处 《Animal Husbandry and Feed Science》 CAS 2013年第2期53-55,59,共4页 动物与饲料科学(英文版)
基金 funded by State Funds($31172194) Jiangsu Province Modern Agricultural Variety Innovation CX(11)(1030) Science and Technology Support Plan(BE2011329) Yangzhou City Science and Technology Research(YZ2010048)
关键词 胚胎发育过程 甲状腺激素 激素水平 鸭子 放射免疫法 FT3 金定鸭 高邮鸭 Gaoyou duck Jinding duck Embryonic development Thyroid hormones Radioimmunoassay ( RIA)
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