为进一步评价兽用狂犬病灭活疫苗(CTN-1株)的安全性和免疫效力,本研究通过受试犬免疫后的临床观察、荧光抗体病毒中和试验(FAVN)检测血清中和抗体(NA)及攻毒保护性试验等方法进行检测。结果表明:试验犬接种该疫苗中试产品后无严重不良反应;5个批次的中试疫苗产品免疫效果稳定;免后第7 d,抗体阳转率97.5%,90%的免疫犬抗体达到有效保护水平;免后第360 d试验组的群体有效保护率开始下降,为90.5%;免后第390 d仍有83%的试验犬达到有效保护水平;采用狂犬病病毒(RV)街毒CNX8511株攻击免后第390 d随机抽样的30条免疫犬,其保护率达100%。结果证明,唐山怡安生物工程有限公司生产的兽用狂犬病灭活疫苗(CTN-1株)的临床免疫效力不低于同类进口疫苗,可以用于我国动物狂犬病的预防和控制。
In order to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the inactivated rabies vaccine (strain CTN-1) produced by Tangshan Yian Biological Engineering Co., Ltd, five batches of the vaccine were applied for field trials in Beijing area. Clinical observations indicated the vaccine was safety and stability without side effects in vaccinated dogs. The antibody assays showed that 97.5% inoculated dogs developed neutralizing antibody and the antibody levels in 90% dogs exceed the protective threshold value (0.5 1U/mL) after 7 days post immunization (PI), afterward, the protective threshold of neutralizing antibody titer was 90.5% at 360 days and 83% at 390 days in vaccinated dogs PI. In addition, thirty vaccinated dogs at 390 days PI were randomly selected and challenged with street rabies virus CNX8511 strain, with the positive control of 10 dogs immunized with the vaccine manufactured by Intervet International Co., Ltd and 10 unvaccinated dogs as negative control, the results displayed that all immunized dogs were fully protected during 90 days of experiment period, whereas, all dogs in control group died within 18 to 30 days post challenge. The studies demonstrated that the rabies vaccine (strain CTN-1) for animals had an equal or even better immune efficacy compared to the commercial vaccine and was suitable for animal rabies control program in China.
Chinese Journal of Preventive Veterinary Medicine