:MRPⅡ、JIT和TOC是目前被广泛应用的生产和运作管理体系,在许多企业中被证明为提高生产经营水平的有效工具,但如果能把它们集成为一个有机的整体,充分发挥三者的优势,将能更大地提高企业效益。为此提出了将 MRPⅡ、JIT和 TOC三者进行集成的思路:以计划为主线;运用 TOC理论来发现制约因素,提出改进方向;以 MRPⅡ为主进行生产计划的制定,重点是对制约环节进行计划和控制;以 JIT为主进行现场管理和改善活动。将以上的集成思路和方法运用于一家企业中,取得了较好的绩效,初步证明了集成的可行性。
MRP, JIT and TOC are widely-used production and operation management systems which are proved effective in many fields. If they can be integrated as one system, it will be more powerful in improving enterprise efficiency. The idea and methods of the integration of MRP,JIT and TOC are suggested, that is, to take planning as a thread , find the constraint factors by using TOC theory, use the MRP to make production plan, and conduct on-site management through JIT. The idea and methods introduced above have been applied in an enterprise with outstanding results, thus proving the feasibility of the integration.
Industrial Engineering and Management