Aim : To investigate the relationship between promoter methylation status of cancer suppressor genes fragile histidine triad (FHIT)and ras association domain family 1A (RASSF1A) in peripheral blood and the development of lung cancer. Methods:The blood samples of 200 lung cancer patients and 200 normal controls were collected to determine the methylation levels of RASSF1A and FHIT using real-time PCR. Results: For both genes, there were significant differences in the methylation levels between lung cancer patients and controls ( RASSFI A : Z = 2. 075, P = O. 038 ; FHIT: Z = 3. 044, P = 0. 002). There were no associations between gender, age, smoking history, histological type, or clinical stage with RASSF1A and FHIT gene promoter methylatiou in the lung cancer group. The risk of lung cancer increased with the in-creased of methylation levels of RASSF1A and FHIT genes [ RASSF1A:β = 0. 235, OR (95% CI) = 1. 551 ( 1. 023 - 2.353 ) ; FHIT :/3 = O. 091, OR( 95% C/) = I. 763 ( 1. 116 - 2.671 ) ]. Conclusion: The aberrant promoter methylation of RASSFIA and FHIT is related to lung cancer. To detect RASSF1A and FHIT gene aberrant promoter methylation levels may contribute to early warning o{ lung cancer and the prediction of lung cancer risk.
Journal of Zhengzhou University(Medical Sciences)