
危险的私通:反思美国第二波女权主义与新自由主义全球资本主义的关系 被引量:10

A Dangerous Liaison: Theorizing the Relationship between American Second-wave Feminism and the Neo-liberal Capitalist Globalization
摘要 新世纪以来,世界各国的女权主义对近半个世纪美国第二波女权主义引领的美国和世界的主流女权主义运动进行了多层面的反思。该文主要介绍西方国家,特别是美国的马克思主义、反种族主义和反帝国主义的女权主义学者,从第二波女权主义与同期兴起的新自由主义全球资本主义的关系的视角来考察1970年以来其在美国国内和世界范围的运动实践中,在主要斗争目标、策略和组织形式等层面的误区,论证其被新自由主义资本主义操控,成为其对全球进行经济重组和美国的全球霸权主义的一个重要组成部分的成因。 Since the turn of the century, there has been a serious rethinking of mainstream feminist development both in the United States and the world, especially on the American second-wave feminist movement since the 1970s. The article is a survey of critiques focusing on the relationship between second-wave feminism and the neo-liberal capitalism, mainly by Marxist, anti-racism and anti-imperialism femi- nist scholars. These critiques investigate major goals, strategies and organization of mainstream feminist movements, in order to undemtand how they have been manipulated by neo-liberal capitalism, thus becoming an integral component of its global economic restructuring and American hegemony over the world.
作者 苏红军
机构地区 爱荷华市
出处 《妇女研究论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期5-14,共10页 Journal of Chinese Women's Studies
关键词 新自由主义资本主义 美国第二波女权主义 全球化 南半球 妇女发展 小额贷款 非政府组织 neo-liberal capitalism, second-wave feminism, globalization, the global south, women and development, microcredit, NGO
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