Objective The evaluate the accuracy of loss of resistance technique for location of fascia iliaca compartment using ultrasound technique. Methods One hundred and seventy-five patients undergoing hip surgery were enrolled in the study. A line was drawn on the skin from the pubic tubercle to the anterior superior iliac spine and divided in three equal parts. The site of puncture was marked 2 cm distal to the point at which the lateral met the middle third of the line. The needle was inserted until a loss of resistance was felt twice (fascia lata and fascia iliaca), at which point 0.5 % ropivacaine 30 ml was infused. Correct puncture was identified by visualized spread of local anesthetic solution under the guidance of ultrasound technique. The effective sensory block was recorded within 20 min after administration. Results The accuracy of loss of resistance method for locating the fascia iliac compartment was 56.6 % using ultrasound technique. There were 80 patients in whom fault site of puncture oc- curred: 25 cases in the superficial layer of the fascia iliac and 51 cases in the iliopsoas muscle. The rate of effec- tive block was 98.0 % for correct location and 82.9 % for fault location. Conclusion Loss of resistance technique cannot accurately locate the fascia iliac compartment.
Chinese Journal of Anesthesiology