
典型膳食来源亚硝酸钠暴露对我国人群健康风险的研究 被引量:10

Study of risk assessment for typical dietary exposure to sodium nitrite in Chinese population
摘要 目的评估中国居民膳食因素亚硝酸钠摄入量及对健康影响的潜在风险,为食品安全风险管理提供科学依据。方法应用典型食品(酱类、肉制品和腌菜)中亚硝酸钠含量的实际监测结果和我国居民对含亚硝酸钠食品实际的膳食消费量数据,采用简单分布模型方法,对我国居民全人群的膳食亚硝酸钠摄入量进行估计,并与国际组织JECFA制定的亚硝酸钠每日允许摄入量(ADI)进行比较。结果全人群的亚硝酸钠平均摄入量为0.021 mg/kgBW/day,占ADI的30.0%,而高暴露人群(亚硝酸钠摄入量的P97.5)的亚硝酸钠摄入量为0.150 mg/kg BW/day,是ADI的2.1倍;各性别-年龄组人群的膳食亚硝酸钠平均摄入量均未超过ADI,但就各组高暴露人群而言,亚硝酸钠摄入量范围为0.124 8~0.275 0 mg/kg BW/day,是ADI的1.8~3.9倍;酱/咸菜是我国居民膳食亚硝酸钠摄入的主要来源,占总摄入量的61.9%。结论我国全人群平均膳食亚硝酸钠摄入量处于安全水平,但高暴露人群摄入的亚硝酸钠具有较高的健康风险,需予以重点关注;调整饮食习惯和行为,改进食品加工工艺,最大限度地减少外源性亚硝酸盐的添加和内源性亚硝酸钠的产生是降低我国居民膳食亚硝酸钠摄入的有效手段。 Objective To assess the potential risk of dietary exposure to sodium nitrite in Chinese population and provide scientific basis for food safety risk management. Methods Food consumption data combined with concentration of sodium nitrite in foods were employed for exposure assessment. The amount of sodium nitrite intake obtained in the present study was compared with the acceptable daily intake (ADI) established by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives. Results The average estimates of sodium nitrite dietary exposure of whole Chinese population was 0. 021 mg/kg BW/day (accounted for 30. 0% of ADI), while high dietary exposures (e. g. 97.5 th percentile) was 0. 150 mg/kg BW/day exceeding the ADI by 2.1 times. The average estimates of dietary exposure of various gender-age groups didn' t exceed the ADI, while high dietary exposures were 0. 124 8 -0. 275 0 mg/kg BW/day exceeding the ADI by 1.8 -3.9 times. Satled vegetables and pickles were the main source of dietary sodium nitrite exposure (61.9% of the total intake. Conclusion The sodium nitrite dietary exposure of whole Chinese population was below the ADI. Sodium nitrite-containing food could be a risk for high consumption population (97.5 th percentile). Changing dietary pattern and improving the food processing were important measures to reduce the sodium nitrite dietary exposure to in China.
出处 《中国食品卫生杂志》 北大核心 2013年第3期275-278,共4页 Chinese Journal of Food Hygiene
关键词 亚硝酸钠 膳食摄入量 风险评估 Sodium nitrite dietary exposure risk assessment
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