
美国创业型社区学院创业生态系统探析——以马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德技术社区学院为例 被引量:7

On Entrepreneurship Ecosystem of Entrepreneurial Community Colleges in USA
摘要 美国马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德技术社区学院将自己定位为"创业型社区学院"已有20年时间,该校致力于推动劳动力发展、经济发展和社区发展,并形成了"创业生态系统"。本文从组织生态学视角探究这个生态系统的构成,涵盖宏观层面的创业环境、中观层面的创业网络、微观层面的创业支持要素,并深入剖析该创业生态系统的运行机制。 Springfield Technical Community College in Massachusetts has been describing itself as an "en- trepreneurial Community College" for almost 20 years, engaging in promoting the development of workforee, economy and community, and building the "entrepreneurship ecosystem" as well. The paper explores the elements of this ecosystem from the perspective of organizational ecology, covers the macro level of the entrepreneurial environment, the medium level of entrepreneurial networks, and entrepreneurial support elements at the micro level, and also in-depth analyze the operating mechanism of the entrepreneurship ecosystem.
作者 沈陆娟
出处 《高等工程教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期120-126,共7页 Research in Higher Education of Engineering
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