The lack of standard to electronic circuits modeling made possible the development of many tools and modeling languages for electronic circuits. In this way, several tools to be used on different descriptions stage of the designs are necessary. This paper presents a tool called SF^2HDL (Stateflow to Hardware Description Language or State Transition Table) that translates a finite state machine on state transition diagram representation, described by Stateflow tool, into an input file standard for TABELA program or into a file behavioral VHDL (Very High Speed Integrated Circuits Hardware Description Language) directly. The TABELA program was used to optimization this finite state machine. After that, the TAB2VHDL program was used to generate the VHDL code on register transfer level, what permits comparisons with results obtained by synthesis. The finite state machine must be described by Mealy model and the user can describe the machine on high level abstraction using all Simulink supports. The tool was very efficient on computational cost and it made translation of several cases, for the two VHDL description models. Every state machine translated was simulated and implemented on device EP2C20F484C7 using Quartus II environment.