目的探讨不同年代独生子女军人适应不良状况及其影响因素,为军人心理健康的维护提供科学依据。方法采用随机整群抽样法,取自各大军区陆、海、空兵种不同年代军人10883人进行适应不良量表(Military Mental Maladjustment Scale,MMMS)测评,比较独生子女军人与非独生子女军人各因子分的异同。结果适应不良各因子分独生子女军人与非独生子女比较具有显著性差异,独生子女军人适应不良各因子分显著低于非独生子女(P≤0.046~0.000)。80年代和90年代,独生子女军人适应不良各因子分显著小于非独生子女军人(P≤0.048~0.000);2000年后,独生子女军人的行为问题、人际关系不良因子分显著大于非独生子女军人(P<0.05)。年代与行为问题、情绪障碍显著负相关(P<0.05),年代与人际关系不良、环境适应显著正相关(P<0.01);独生子女与军人适应不良各因子显著正相关(P<0.05或0.01)。年代、独生子女进入行为问题、情绪障碍和环境适应的回归方程(P≤0.007~0.000);年代进入人际关系不良因子的回归方程(P=0.000)。结论军人的适应不良与年代、独生子女有密切相关性,整体而言独生子女军人的适应不良较非独生子女为少,但独生子女军人的适应不良与年代有关,呈增多的趋势。
Objective To explore the difference about mental maladjustment between military personnel with-and-without siblings from differential decade and the related factors of mental maladjustment, for establishing effective psychological crisis intervention from the finding of the study. Methods By random cluster sampling, a total of 10883 military personnel (including army, navy and air-force) were tested by Military Mental Maladjust- ment Scale (MMMS) across three decades, the scores of MMMS were compared between only-child group and no only-child group. Results Behavior problem, emotional disorder, interpersonal relationship, and environmental adjustment had significant difference between military personnel groups of with and without siblings, the maladjust- ment of military personnel without siblings was less than that of military personnel with siblings ( P ≤ 0. 046 0. 000). At the decade of 80s' , 90s' , military personnel' s mental maladjustment had significant difference be- tween the two groups (P≤0. 048 -0. 000) ; but at the decade of 2000s' , the scores of behavior problem, inter- personal relationship for the military personnel without sibling was higher than corresponding group ( P〈O. 05 ). Decade negatively correlated with behavior problem, and emotional disorder (P〈0. 05 ), but it had opposite corre-lation with interpersonal-relationship disorder, and environmental adjustment (P〈0. 01 ) ; only child or not positive correlated with all factors of mental maladjustment (P〈0. 05 or 0. 01 ). Decade, only child or not were selected in- to the regressive function of behavior problem, emotional disorder, environmental adjustment (P ≤ 0. 007 - 0. 000) ; Decade was selected into the regressive function of interpersonal relationship disorder ( P = 0. 000). Con- clusions The factors related with military personnel' s mental maladjustment are decade and only child, mental maladjustment of the only-child military personnel is less than no only-child group, but their mental maladjustment had relation with decade, it reveals an increasing disposition.
Journal Of International Psychiatry
Mental maladjustment scale
Military personnel
Decade difference
Influenced factors