
我国基本药物可负担性评价实证研究 被引量:58

Empirical Study on Affordability of Essential Medicine in China
摘要 目的:从药品可负担性角度评价我国基本药物的可及性。方法:采取改进后的世界卫生组织/国际健康行动机构(WHO/HAI)标准调查法,按照以人均收入计算疾病负担、药品灾难性支出影响和致贫作用3种方法,对我国城镇和农村居民5种常见疾病的可负担性进行评价。结果:人均收入评价结果显示,5种常见疾病的仿制药治疗费用均低于原研药,在药店购买药品可负担性较好,农村居民与城镇居民相比负担较重;药品灾难性支出评价结果显示,仿制药可负担性较好,原研药会导致上亿人口陷入灾难性支出,城镇居民与农村居民相比负担更重;致贫作用评价结果显示,5种常见疾病的致贫率都很低,但致贫人口数量较多。结论:5种常见疾病的可负担性较好,但对于较低收入人群影响较大,因此应出台配套保障政策尤其是专门针对基本药物的报销政策。 OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the accessibility of essential medicine from the angle of medicine price. METHODS: Based on the improved WHO/HAI standardized approach, we investigated the price information of 30 medicines of different specifi- cations in tertiary hospitals, primary health care facilities and retail pharmacies among eastern, central and western regions of Chi- na, and the MPR was compared by unification of active components. RESULTS: The MPR of 30 generic medicines varied from 0.79 to 68.59; hospitals in the central regions had the highest MPR and the pharmacies in the central regions had the lowest. The price level of generic medicines in third-grade class-A hospitals was relatively high, while that was relatively low in pharmacies. Original medicines had a very high price with the MPR of 35.6. There was a big price difference between original and generic medi- cines. CONCLUSIONS : The price level of generic medicines in eastern regions is higher than in central and western regions, and third-grade class-A hospitals is higher than primary health care facilities and retail pharmacies. The price level of generic medicine in China is either too low or too high, while there is no significant difference for the price level of original medicines among differ- ent regions.
出处 《中国药房》 CAS CSCD 2013年第24期2224-2228,共5页 China Pharmacy
关键词 基本药物 WHO HAI标准调查法 中位价格比 可及性 Essential medicine WHO/HAI standardized approach MPR Accessibility
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