OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the accessibility of essential medicine from the angle of medicine price. METHODS: Based on the improved WHO/HAI standardized approach, we investigated the price information of 30 medicines of different specifi- cations in tertiary hospitals, primary health care facilities and retail pharmacies among eastern, central and western regions of Chi- na, and the MPR was compared by unification of active components. RESULTS: The MPR of 30 generic medicines varied from 0.79 to 68.59; hospitals in the central regions had the highest MPR and the pharmacies in the central regions had the lowest. The price level of generic medicines in third-grade class-A hospitals was relatively high, while that was relatively low in pharmacies. Original medicines had a very high price with the MPR of 35.6. There was a big price difference between original and generic medi- cines. CONCLUSIONS : The price level of generic medicines in eastern regions is higher than in central and western regions, and third-grade class-A hospitals is higher than primary health care facilities and retail pharmacies. The price level of generic medicine in China is either too low or too high, while there is no significant difference for the price level of original medicines among differ- ent regions.
China Pharmacy