In this work, we study superintegrable quantum systems in two-dimensional Euclidean space and on a complex twosphere with second-order constants of motion. We show that these constants of motion satisfy the deformed oscillator algebra. Then, we easily calculate the energy eigenvalues in an algebraic way by solving of a system of two equations satisfied by its structure function. The results are in agreement to the ones obtained from the solution of the relevant Schroedinger equation.
In this work, we study superintegrable quantum systems in two-dimensional Euclidean space and on a complex twosphere with second-order constants of motion. We show that these constants of motion satisfy the deformed oscillator algebra. Then, we easily calculate the energy eigenvalues in an algebraic way by solving of a system of two equations satisfied by its structure function. The results are in agreement to the ones obtained from the solution of the relevant Schroedinger equation.