本溪市自 1994年起建设了约 10 0座垃圾房。通过对几种垃圾收运方式的比较 ,结合本溪市的实际情况确定以建设垃圾屋为主 ,逐渐开展居民生活垃圾袋装化收集的方式。在新建小区的环卫验收时 ,要验收是否建设了配套的垃圾房 ,从而解决了垃圾房的建设资金问题 ,使环卫工作得到发展。
Since 1994 about 100 solid waste collection huts have been built. Compared with other alternatives, developing solid waste collection huts for solid waste bagging collection was considered suitable for the condition of solid waste collection in Benxi city. Moreover, in order to solve the investment problem for construction, building solid waste collection huts in newly constructed housing estate has been included in new regulation.
Environmental Sanitation Engineering