Objective To describe the imaging findings of extrapancreatic lesions of autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP). Methods From May ,2004 to June ,2012,44 patients were diagnosed of AIP according to Asia criteria of AIP made in 2008. All the imaging data, including contrast-enhanced CT (in 29 patients) or/and MR (in 38 patients), and 18 F-FDG PET-CT (in 6 patients), were retrospectively reviewed. All the extrapancreatic lesions was described involved in bile duct, gallbladder, kidneys, vessels, lymph nodes, liver, digestive tract, retroperitoneum, and salivary glands, etc. Results IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis was revealed in 32 patients, presented biliary strictures and thickened wall of bile ducts. Among those, biliary lesions involved intrapancreatic segment of common bile duct (CBD) in 16 patients, hilar bile duct in 1 patient, both intrapancreatic and extrapancreatic segment of CBD in 15 patients, separately. Nineteen patients with AIP presented dilated gallbladder, with delayed enhancement of the thickened wall. Renal involvement was observed in 10, patients appeared as multiple round or wedge-shaped low-enhanced loci in bilateral renal parenchyma, which were hypo-intense on T2-weighted images with mild enhancement. Blood vessel involvement was observed in 16 patients, appeared as embedded vessels with or without stenosis. Furthernlore, abdominal lymphadenopathy was observed in 35 patients, in which celiac lymph node group was commonly found in addition to the involvement of multiple lymph node groups for 15 patients. Two patients presented delayed enhancement of serosa of stomach and proximal intestine. Three patients were diagnosed to have retroperitoneal fibrosis surrounding the aorta, inferior mesentary artery and superior mesentary artery. Focal nodular and abnormal enhancement of patchy lesion around intrahepatic bile duct implied of liver involvements in 2 patients. Five among six patients who took 18F-FDG PET-CT were observed salivary involvements with pathologic uptake of 18 F-FDG. Conclusion As multiple organs involvement wasthe critical characterization of AIP, sufficient understanding of relevant extrapancreatic diseases would be helpful to the diagnosis of this disease.
Chinese Journal of Radiology