
国内医疗口译的现状、问题及发展——一项针对广州地区医疗口译活动的实证研究 被引量:12

Status Quo,Problems and Future Development of Medical Interpreting in China:A Study of Medical Interpreting Activities in Guangzhou Area
摘要 医疗口译作为一种特殊的口译形式,在国内涉外医疗活动中的运用日益增加。本文描述一项针对广州地区医疗口译活动的调查研究,在讨论调查结果的基础上,总结国内医疗口译的现状,分析存在的四个主要问题,并对国内医疗口译的未来发展提出建议。 As a special type of interpreting, medical interpreting is increasingly used m medmal actwmes mvoLwng mr- eign citizens in China. This paper describes a survey of medical interpreting activities in Guangzhou Area. Based on a discus- sion of the findings of the survey, the paper analyses the status quo of medical interpreting in China, points out its four major problems, and puts forward some suggestions for the future development of medical interpreting in China.
作者 詹成 严敏宾
出处 《广东外语外贸大学学报》 2013年第3期47-50,共4页 Journal of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
基金 广东省普通高校人文社会科学重点研究基地广东外语外贸大学翻译学研究中心项目经费资助(编号CTS2012-07)
关键词 医疗口译 医疗译员 现状 问题 发展 medical interpreting medical interpreter status quo problem development
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