
生活饮用水和瓶装饮用水的细菌内毒素活性调查 被引量:10

Investigation on Bacterial Endotoxin Activities in Municipal Drinking Water and Bottled Drinking Water
摘要 2012年4月—5月对北京市城市生活饮用水和市售瓶装饮用水进行样品采集,采用动态浊度法鲎试验定量检测内毒素活性。北京市3个水源水的内毒素范围为21.3—68.2EU/mL。北京市A水厂进、出水内毒素分别为11.2、4.1EU/mL,水厂的整个处理流程对内毒素的去除率达63%;此外,A水厂的出水中均未检出异养菌和茵落总数(平板计数),说明水厂处理流程对水中微生物的控制效果有效。北京市城区12个管网末梢水的内毒素范围为0.1—9.1EU/mL。市售的9种瓶装饮用水内毒素范围为(〈0.004)~16.0EU/mL。与国外相关报道相比,北京市水源水、水厂进出水和管网末梢水中内毒素范围明显偏低,瓶装饮用水中内毒素污染水平和国外相关报道基本一致。 Bacterial endotoxin activities in samples of municipal drinking water and bottled drinking water in April and May of 2012 in Beijing were detected using kinetic turbidimetric Limulus test. En-dotoxin activities in three source waters for Beijing were in the range of 21.3 to 68.2 EU/mL. The endotoxin activities in the influent and the effluent of the WTP A were 11.2 EU/mL and 4.1 EU/mL, respectively, and the removal rate was 63 %. In addition, the HPC and the bacterial count by plate count were not detected, demonstrating that the treatment process in WTP A was efficient in controlling microbial contamination. Endotoxins activities were in range of 0.1 to 9.1 EU/mL in 12 samples of the tap water, and 〈0.004 to 16.0 EU/mL in 9 samples of the bottled water. Compared with the results in foreign literature, endotoxin activities were notably low in source water, the influent and effluent of WTP and Beijing' s tap water, and agreed with related reports on bottled drinking water.
出处 《中国给水排水》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第13期47-52,共6页 China Water & Wastewater
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50978142) 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2012ZX07404002)
关键词 饮用水 内毒素 水源 管网末梢水 瓶装水 drinking water endotoxin water source tap water bottled water
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