

A New Encryption and Decryption Method of Electronic Document
摘要 随着电子政务的广泛应用,人们对电子公文的真实性和安全性的要求越来越高,本文提出一种新的电子公文加解密方法,主要基于矩阵的一些组合问题,在加解密过程中减少了使用大量的模指数运算,提高了计算效率,从而提高了电子公文的传输和共享的效率。 With the wide application of e - government, the security and authenticity of electronic documents become more and more important. In this paper, a new encryption and decryption method of electronic document that depends on a kind of matrix combinatorial problem is proposed. The method can reduce the use of a large number of modular exponentiation in the encryption and decryption process, as well as improve the computational efficiency, thereby increase the efficiency of the transmission and sharing of electronic documents .
出处 《北京电子科技学院学报》 2013年第2期61-65,共5页 Journal of Beijing Electronic Science And Technology Institute
关键词 电子公文 加密与解密 PKI RSA Electronic Document Encryption and Decryption PKI RSA
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