
企业创新的交互性及结构维度 被引量:4

The Interactivity and Structure Dimensions of the Enterprise Innovation
摘要 企业创新是一个复杂的交互过程,而交互创新理论是其重要的理论依据.但就目前的研究成果来看,对企业创新的交互性内涵和特性的认识还不够清晰,对交互性的结构维度的界定还不够明确。研究主要以"交互性"为研究对象,以企业为分析层次,采用理论归纳的方式,明确企业创新的交互性概念,分析交互性的结构雏度,包括组织整合、知识整合和制度环境三个维度,并在此基础上构建企业创新的交互性模型。 The enterprise innovation is a complex interactive process, and the theory of interactive innovation is the basis of its theory. However, as far as the results of the current study, the connotation and characteristics of enterprise innovation interaction is not clear, and the definition about the structure dimensions of interactivity is not clear as well. The paper mainly takes the "interactivity" as the research object, takes the enterprise as the level of analysis, using the inductive method, to make clear the concept and to analyze the structure dimensions of interactivity including organizational integration, knowledge integration and institutional context. On the basis of above study, the enterprise innovation interaction model is structured.
作者 许广永
出处 《上海市经济管理干部学院学报》 2013年第4期1-8,共8页 Journal of Shanghai Economic Management College
基金 安徽省哲学社会科学规划项目"基于供应链的安徽中小企业交互创新模式研究"(项目号:AKSK11-12D16) 安徽省人文社会科学研究"皖江城市带承接产业转移中的供应链合作伙伴匹配研究"(项目号:SK2012B022) 中国人民大学研究生科学研究"网络嵌入性对企业合作创新绩效影响研究:以企业吸收能力为调节变量"(项目号:12XNH135)
关键词 交互性企业创新结构维度 interactivity enterprise innovation structure dimensions
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