Objective: With acupuncture treatment of humeral epicondylitis for example, to verify the clinical value of acupuncture point method with meridians of the same name. Methods: To select 73 patients with humeral epicondylitis to accept the simple acupuncture treatment. 36 cases were randomly divided into control group, 37 cases were randomly divided into treated group. To select points with meridian syndrome differentiation in control group and select points with meridian syndrome differentiation and acupuncture point method with meridians of the same name in treated group. Both accepting acupuncture treatment, once three days, 15 times for one course. To observe the clinical curative effect. Results: In the treated group and the control group, the total efficiency were 100%, 100% respectively; the cure rate were 72.97%, 52.78% respectively. Clinical curative effect comparison between treated group and control group was compared. The total efficiency had no difference, the cure rate had difference. The difference was statistically significant (P〈0.05). Conclusion: Acupuncture point method with meridians of the same name is comprehensive, effective on both manifestation and root cause of disease. The curative effect is more significant.
Clinical Journal Of Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture point method with meridians of the same name
Humeral epicondylitis
Acupuncture treatment