
海峡两岸服务贸易竞争力比较及合作前景 被引量:8

Competitiveness Comparison of Service Trade between China's Mainland and Taiwan and Their Cooperative Prospects
摘要 近年来,服务业的发展促进了两岸服务贸易的合作,但目前其合作水平仍有待提高。相较于台湾,大陆服务贸易的发展更加迅速;整体而言,两岸服务贸易门类发展很不充分,高端服务业发展滞后。通过总量与市场占有率指标、显示性比较优势指数(RCA)、贸易竞争优势指数(TC)的对比,分析了两岸服务贸易的竞争力,提出两岸应在ECFA框架下,放宽服务业政策限制,推进两岸服务业开放与合作,不断提升两岸服务贸易竞争力,实现两岸服务业的互利共赢。 Development of service industry promotes the cooperation between China's Mainland and Taiwan in service trade, but their cooperation is still to be improved. The service trade on China's Mainland develops more rapidly than Taiwan. In general, their service trade is not fully developed, especially the top - class service industry. Through the comparison of the total volume, market share indicators, the revealed comparative advantage index (RCA) and index of revealed competitive advantage (CA), this paper analyzes their competitiveness, and puts forward some suggestions to achieve their mutual benefits : reducing service - industry - policy constraints under the ECFA framework, promoting their openness and cooperation in service industry, and continuously up- grading the competitiveness of their service trade
作者 李碧珍
出处 《集美大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2013年第3期20-27,共8页 Journal of Jimei University:Philosophy and Social Sciences
基金 福建省社会科学规划重点项目(2012A032) 福建省委统战部B类人文社科项目(TB12006S)
关键词 海峡两岸 服务贸易 贸易竞争力 Taiwan and China's Mainland service trade trade competitiveness
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