Objective To study the elinical outcnmes of an lilac flap straddling the donor site plus sensnry nerve implantalion to repair massive detects of calcanea] bone and skin at one stage. Methods Based on anatomical study of the tradition lilac flap, a new iliae flap was designed which straddles the donor site, is pedieled on the deep iliac circumflex artery and links the deep iliac circundlex artelw and the superficial iliac circumflex artery to supply blood. From June 2007 to the October 2011, 18 patients with massive defects of calcaneal hone and skin were treated with our new iliac flap straddling the donor site plus sensory nerve implantation. They were 12 men and 6 women, aged fronl 18 to 56 years (average, 36 years) . The areas of bone defect averaged 7.2 cm× 2.6 cm and the areas of skin defect averaged 23.0 cm× 11.0 cm. Results The massive defeets of calcaneal bone and skin were all repaired with good shape and function at one stage and flaps survived. The patients were followed up for 1 to 3 years after operation (average, 1.8 years) . The protective sensory was recovered well at the heel. One year postoperation, the two-point discrimination ranged from 16 to 24 millimeters (average, 18.6 millimeters) . All patients resumed normal walking and no ulcer occurred. According to the functional assessment system of American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society, 8 cases were excellent, 9 good and one acceptable. Conclusion In repair of massive defects of ealcaneal hone and skin, an iliac flap straddling the donor site plus sensory nerve implantation can result in good clinical outcomes at one stage.
Chinese Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma
Surgieal flaps
Wounds and injuries: Straddling the donor site
Sensory nerve implantation