目的 探讨原发性甲状腺机能亢进症 (甲亢 )新的术前准备方法。方法 术前用复方碘液 10d ,5~ 10滴 /次 ,3次 /d ,第 7d加用 5 %~ 10 %葡萄糖注射液 5 0 0ml加地塞米松 2 0mg ,静脉滴注 1次 /d ,连用 3d后手术。结果 发现 1次静脉滴注地塞米松 2 0mg后FT3 降为正常 ,连用 3d后FT4 亦降为正常。 10 7例术后均无甲状腺危象等并发症的发生。
Objective To study new preoperative preparation for primary hyperthyroidism. Methods Before operation, Lugol solution was used(5~10 getts/time, 3 times/d) for 10 days. On the 7th day, dexamethasone 20?mg was added to 5%~10% glucose solution 500?ml was consecutively used for 3 days before the operation. Results FT 3 fell to normal value after dexamethasone 20?mg was used once, and FT 4 fell to normalvalue after dexamethasone used 3 days. There was no any complication, such as thyroid crisis occurring in this series. Conclusions Dexamelhasone applied before operation as the preoperative preoparation for primary hyperthyroidism is testified a safe and effective method.
China Journal of General Surgery