
北京市384名儿童家长口腔健康知识调查分析 被引量:10

Survey on Oral Health Knowledge of 384 Parents or Guardians of Children in Beijing
摘要 目的了解儿童家长口腔健康知识水平及其对儿童养成正确口腔卫生习惯的重要作用,为针对性开展儿童口腔健康促进工作提供参考依据。方法采用方便抽样方法,对384名儿童家长开展口腔健康知识问卷调查。结果家长对常识性口腔健康知识知晓率都在90%以上,但专业性强的知识点认知薄弱。其中,认为应该给孩子选择含氟牙膏的家长仅占48.44%;对窝沟封闭可预防孩子恒磨牙窝沟龋病的认知率为61.98%;对咀嚼无糖口香糖有利于牙齿健康的认知率为74.48%。家长对孩子的口腔健康都高度重视(97.92%),但每天坚持检查孩子的刷牙效果者不多(52.08%),带孩子定期到医疗机构做口腔检查者更少(46.88%)。女性及文化程度高的家长对儿童口腔健康更为重视。结论家长对儿童口腔健康都高度重视,但相关知识有待进一步提高,要大力加强家长的口腔健康宣传教育和预防保健意识。 Objectives To learn the oral health knowledge of parents or guardians of children, and their function on the health habit of children, then to offer reference for the oral health promotion of children. Methods Conven- ience sampling method was used to survey 384 parents or guardians. Results 48. 44% informants knew children should use toothpaste with fluoride, 61. 98% knew" pit and fissure sealant could prevent caries, 74.48% knew the sugar free chewing gum was henefit for teeth. 97.92% parents or guardians paid more attention on the oral health of chil dren, while merely 52.08% of them insisted to check the oral cleanliness of children every day, and only 46.88% used oral preventive health service for children each year. Female and those with higher education level pay more at- tention on children's oral health. Conclusions The parents or guardians pay more attention on the oral health of children, but the knowledge need to be improved, and the oral health education and preventive consciousness on par ents or guardian of children should be strengthened more.
出处 《中国社会医学杂志》 2013年第4期256-258,共3页 Chinese Journal of Social Medicine
基金 卫生部新闻宣传中心-佳洁士全民口腔健康合作项目
关键词 儿童家长 口腔健康 知识 调查分析 Parent or guardian of children Oral health Knowledge Survey and analysis
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