
农民工工伤保险参保行为与城市融合——基于武汉市的调查 被引量:9

Analysis on the Behavior of Migrant Workers ' compensati on Insurance and the Urban Integration——Based on a Survey of Wuhan City
摘要 文章基于2012年武汉市调研数据,对样本地区农民工参加工伤保险对其城市融合的作用进行了研究,结果表明,工伤保险对城市融合的作用根据个人的经历而变化,实际上只有那些遭遇过工伤事故的农民工,工伤保险对城市融合的正向影响才显著。另外本文进一步研究了影响农民工参加工伤保险的因素,结果发现,随着受教育程度的提高,农民工参加工伤保险的概率变大;相对于制造业和零售、住宿餐饮业而言,建筑行业的农民工参加工伤保险的概率更低;在个体私营企业从业的农民工和没有签订劳动合同的农民工参加工伤保险的概率更低。最后,基于分析结果,文章对扩大农民工工伤保险的覆盖率,从而加强其城市融合给出了具体的政策建议。 Article is based on 2012 survey data of Wuhan City, the sample region to participate in industrial injury insurance for its migrant workers to urban fusion effect was studied, the results show that the industrial injury insurance for urban integration of the role varies according to personal experience, in fact, only those encountered accidents of migrant workers, industrial injury insurance for urban integration was significant positive impact. In addition we further studied the effects of migrant workers to participate in work injury insurance factors and found that, with the improvement in the level of education of migrant workers to participate in industrial injury insurance probability larger; relative to the manufacturing and retail, accommodation and catering industry, the construction industry migrant workers to participate in a lower probability of injury insurance ; practitioners in private enterprises and migrant workers have not signed a labor contract migrant workers to participate in a lower probability of injury insurance. Finally, the article on the expansion of workers'compensation insurance coverage, its urban integration given the specific policy recommendations based on the analysis results. thereby strengthening
作者 韩俊强
出处 《社会保障研究》 CSSCI 2013年第4期57-66,共10页 Social Security Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"农民工城市融入问题研究"(项目号:11CGL066) 中央高校自主科研基金项目"农民工社会组织参与模式与对策研究"(2012YB068) 国家社会科学规划基金重点项目(项目号:11AZD023)成果
关键词 农民工 城市融合 工伤保险 参保行为 migrant workers, urban integration, injury insurance, insurance act
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