采用 RT-PCR方法 ,从我国 1 0个省、市、自治区收集的 2 3个猪瘟病毒 ( CSFV)流行毒株中 ,扩增了CSFV E2基因中主要抗原位点编码区。对各扩增片段进行了序列测定 ,通过计算机分析构建了系统发生树 ,并确定了它们间的遗传相关性。结果表明 ,2 3个流行毒株中的 1 8株属基因 群 ,占 78.2 6%;另外 5个流行株与传统石门强毒、兔化弱毒株属基因 群 ,占 2 1 .74 %。两群间测序区的核酸同源性只有 78.90 %。此外 ,根据序列差异程度 ,将基因 群流行株分为 3个亚群 ,各基因群 CSFV在地域分布上未发现有明显的特征性。本研究初步揭示了我国较大范围内流行的 CSFV毒株与传统的石门强毒和疫苗用兔化弱毒在抗原基因上存在较大的差异 。
RT PCR was employed to amplify the portion of the E2 gene encoding major immunogenic sites at the N terminal of the hog cholera virus E2 glycoprotein. This fragment was amplified directly from twenty three field strains from hog cholera (HC) tissue samples, which had been responsible for serial HC outbreaks in ten geographically distinct provinces in China. Computer based phylogenetic relationships among these strains and reference strains were obtained by analyzing nucleotide sequence data. This resulted in the classification of the twenty three strains into two major groups. Eighteen belong to Group 2 and were further subdivided into Subgroups 1, 2 and 3. The remaining five strains, together with the Chinese reference Shimen and attenuated vaccine C strains, belong to Group I. These findings reveal, surprisingly, that HCV field strains prevalent in China in recent years are genetically divergent from the Shimen and vaccine C strains, indicating a different origin for this virus in China. [WT5HZ]
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science
国家自然科学基金重大资助项目!( 3 9893 2 90 -1)