
大学生创业阻碍因素实证研究 被引量:3

Demonstration research of university student starting w ork obstacle factor
摘要 近年来大学生创业越来越受到重视。本文目的在于探索大学生创业前和创业过程的遇到的阻碍因素。通过对珠三角647名高校大学生的问卷调查及20位大学生创业者的深入访谈,运用因子分析法提取六大创业阻碍因子:缺乏创业环境支持,缺乏创业素质意愿,缺乏创业教育等,并对上述因子进行相对重要性比较。同时,运用质性研究方法探究大学生创业者在创业过程面对的阻碍因素,发现与因子分析的结果基本吻合。 University students'entrepreneurship are receiving increasing attention in the recent year.The purpose of this paper is to explore the entrepreneurial obstacles of the entrepreneurs.We did questionnaire surveys of 647 university students in the Pearl River Delta and depth interviews of 20 university students' entrepreneurs from Shenzhen.Then we used factor analysis to extract six entrepreneurial obstacles through the surveys' result.The obstacles are lack of entrepreneurial abilities and ambition,lack of entrepreneurship education and so on.Also we compared the relative importance of these six obstacles.At the same time,qualitative research method was used to explore the obstacles of the entrepreneurs face and found that the results were consistent with the factor analysis.
机构地区 暨南大学
出处 《特区经济》 2013年第8期225-227,共3页 Special Zone Economy
关键词 大学生 创业 阻碍因素 因子分析 质性研究 university students entrepreneurship obstacles factor analysis qualitative research
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