

The Correlation between Exporting Democracy and American Soft Power in George W. Bush Administration
摘要 美国的民主输出战略主要是基于现实主义考量,认为其他国家的政体性质对美国的安全和经济利益具有巨大的影响。小布什执政时期"新保守主义"思潮的影响促成了美国输出民主战略的升级,给目标国造成了严重危害。虽然民主被视为美国软实力的源泉,但美国的民主输出实践却导致了美国软实力的衰退。 Exporting democracy is a strategy based on the very realistic view that the nature of the political institutions of other states has an enormous impact on the security and economic interests of the United States. In George W. Bush administration, the influence of caused the strategic escalation of America's exporting democracy, which harmed the target countries seriously. Though democracy was considered as the source of America's soft power, America's practice of exporting democracy led to the decline of America's soft power.
作者 李翠亭
出处 《价值工程》 2013年第26期1-4,共4页 Value Engineering
基金 2010年河北师范大学博士基金项目<解析小布什执政时期美国软实力的变迁> 课题编号W2010B18
关键词 小布什执政时期 输出民主 美国软实力 : George W. Bush administration exporting democracy America^s soft power
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