
黑龙江省氟中毒病区居民生活方式与氟骨症关系的调查 被引量:5

Study of the relationship between lifestyle and skeletal fluorosis for residents in fluorosis area of Heilongjiang province
摘要 目的 探讨黑龙江省氟中毒病区居民生活方式对氟骨症发生的影响.方法 采用半定量食物频率问卷(SQFFQ)、自制的生活习惯问卷和一般资料调查表对黑龙江省氟中毒病区289例居民进行调查,同时按照地方性氟骨症诊断标准(WS 192-2008)诊断出氟骨症人群和非氟骨症人群,采用广义估计方程对氟骨症发生的影响因素进行分析.结果 男性居民易患氟骨症;氟骨症的保护因素有:饮用开水、用陶瓷水缸储水、水果类、维生素A、硫胺素;危险因素有:BMI >24.9、水氟浓度、水氟摄入量、饮用茶水、不储水、油脂类、磷.结论 氟骨症的发生与生活方式有着密切关系,改善氟中毒病区居民的生活方式可以减少氟骨症的发生或减轻其病损程度. Objective To investigate the influence of lifestyle on skeletal fluorosis in fluorosis area of Heilongjiang province.Methods A total of 289 residents in the endemic fluorosis area of Heilongjiang province were all investigated with Smei-qanatiattive Food Frequency Questionnaire,self-designed Habits and Customs Questionnaire and General Information Questionnaire and divided for sketetal fluorosis patients and non-patients according to the criteria for the diagnosis of endemic skeletal fluorosis (WS 192-2008).All the data were analyzed by SAS statistical software,the influencing factors were analyzed by Generalized Estimating Equation.Results Male morbidity was higher than female,drinking boiled water,water storage in ceramic water tanks,fruits,Vitamin A,thiamine were the protective factors for skeletal fluorosis.BMI > 24.9,concentration of drinking water,water fluoride intake,drinking tea,not storage well water,oil,phosphor were the risk factors of skeletal fluorosis.Conclusions Lifestyle plays an important role in the development of skeletal fluorosis.Improving the lifestyle of the residents in the endemic fluorosis area can reduce the occurrence of skeletal fluorosis or reduce the damage degree.
出处 《中华现代护理杂志》 2013年第21期2509-2513,共5页 Chinese Journal of Modern Nursing
关键词 生活方式 氟中毒 氟骨症 Lifestyle Fluorosis Skeletal fluorosis
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