目的:通过回顾性分析仪征市近4年的剖宫产情况,探讨有效降低措施。方法:对仪征市各级助产医疗机构近4年上报的有关资料进行统计,分析剖宫产率变化趋势及1 802例剖宫产指征构成比情况。结果:剖宫产率从2009年的58.95%开始依次下降,2012年已降至45.71%。其中一级医疗机构从47.45%降至31%,二级医疗机构下降幅度较大,从63.57%降至47.39%。从1 802例指征分析来看,胎方位异常居首位,占18.65%,社会因素和疤痕子宫分别位居第二和第三,各占18.09%和17.7%。其中一级医疗机构以疤痕子宫居首位。结论:通过导乐分娩、严格把握剖宫产指征、加大健康教育力度及行政干预等,仪征市剖宫产率有了明显下降,尤其在2012年加大干预力度后,下降幅度较大。无指征的剖宫产虽退居第二,但仍未能杜绝。
Objective To review the situation of cesarean section in recent 4 years in Yizheng, to explore effective measures for reduc- ing. Method We had statistics on all relevant deata reported by all levels of miduifery medical institutions in Yizheng City, and analyzed the changing trend of cesarean section and 1 802 cases of indication constituent ratio of cesarean section. Results The rate of cesarean sec- tion was decreased from 58. 95% in2009 to 45.71% in 2012. Amongthen ,primary medical institution decreased from 47. 45% to 31% ,the second medical institutions declines from 63.57% to 47.39% with large range. From 1 802 eases of indication analysis, abnormal fetal posi- tion ranks first,accounting for more than 18. 65% ,social factors and uterine scar were ranked second and third,respectively accounting for 18.09% and 17.7%. Primary medical institution scarutems was in the first place. Conclusion Through dolda delivery,strictly grasping the indications for cesarean section, strengthening the health education and administrative intervention in Yizheng City, the cesarean section rate is decreased obviously, especially when increases the in intensity of intervention in 2012, the range of decreasing is larger. No indication ce- sarean section is relegated to the second,but still fails to stop.
Jilin Medical Journal
Casarean section