
医务人员医用电离辐射知识调查分析 被引量:6

Analysis of knowledge about medical ionizing radiation among doctors
摘要 目的了解医务人员对医用电离辐射相关知识的知晓情况,为加强医务人员的医疗照射防护知识教育提供科学依据。方法采用自行设计的问卷,对深圳地区3所医院总共300名医务人员进行医用电离辐射相关知识及认知水平的问卷调查。结果回收有效问卷总共278份,问卷有效率为92.7%。绝大部分的被调查者认为电离辐射防护知识在日常医疗诊疗过程十分重要(72.4%,201/278),62.2%(173/278)的被调查者在日常医务工作中很少告知被检查者电离辐射的相关危害。关于电离辐射暴露剂量及其危险度的知识共12题,1题1分,平均得分6.6分,影像专业医务人员较非影像专业医务人员有更高的得分(8.9 VS 5.8,P<0.0001),两者差异具有统计学意义。结论医务人员医用电离辐射知识缺乏,应进一步加强对患者电离辐射暴露的监控及医务人员电离辐射防护知识的教育。 Objective To investigate the knowledge and attitude of doctors towards medical ionizing radiation and to enhance education of healthcare professionals. Methods A self-designed questionnaire was sent to 300 doctors to determine their knowledge and attitude about ionizing radiation protection. Results Of 278 completed questionnaires (92.7%), 201/278 (72.4%) doctors agreed that knowledge of ionizing radiation was important. However, 173/278 (62.2%) doctors did not inform patients of the risk of ionizing radiation. Of the 12 questions assessing knowledge of ionizing radiation, a mean score of 6.6 was obtained by respondents. Of this subgroup of respondents, radiologists scored (8.9) significantly (P 〈 0.0001) higher than other doctors (5.8). Conclusions This study shows that knowledge and awareness of ionizing radiation protection in diagnostic imaging is lacking among doctors. Follow up on the quantity of exposure to ionizing radiation for all patients and promoting doctors' knowledge about ionizing radiation protection are necessary.
出处 《影像诊断与介入放射学》 2013年第4期314-316,共3页 Diagnostic Imaging & Interventional Radiology
关键词 医务人员 医疗照射 电离辐射 问卷调查 Doctors Medical exposure Ionizing radiation Questionnaires
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