
公共领域之中国神话:一项基于哈贝马斯公共领域文本考察的分析 被引量:24

The Chinese Myth of the Public Sphere:A Text Analysis of Habermas's Public Sphere
摘要 多年来,公共领域理论作为分析中国社会和舆论现象的常用工具,引发了我们对理论使用方式的反思。阿伦特理论中对人的主体性的重新确立、反思和批判带给人类巨大灾难的极权主义起源、提出解决现代代议制民主困境的方案这三点共同形成了最初孕育公共领域理论的支架。哈贝马斯在阿伦特基础上建立起的公共领域理论则承载了更多现代社会的因素,既最大程度上保证了大众民主的可操作性,又力图在制度层面取得突破。不过,在以当代中国的社会脉络和问题导向为中心而大胆使用公共领域和市民社会理论的同时,既要注重概念背后历史内容的探讨,又要警惕被单一框架的先见束缚住思维。应通过建立有实践内涵的话语空间将个人、社会与国家勾连起来,完成对公共领域理论的超越。 Even though Habermas's original Public Sphere theory is derived from a western societal origin, it has been used recently as the primary tool to analyze the Chinese society and the issue of public opinion. This has sparked much debate in whether or not it is suitable to use such western theories to analyze the Chinese society. This paper attempts to address this issue first by conducting a conceptual analysis on the theory of public sphere as proposed by Hannah Arendt and Jtirgen Habermas, and second, by proposing solutions to the problem in response to the debate about the use of western theory in such a Chinese context. Firstly this paper reviews Arendt's theoretical background. Arendt's introspection of the modernity crisis and liberal philosophy begins with her critique on totalitarianism, which inspired her to illuminate publicity in the political life as a core concept. She has established the subjectivity of humans, reflected and criticized the origin of totalitarianism which caused many catastrophes to humanity, and proposed the solution to the modern constitutional dilemma, the three of which jointly form the initial support for the public sphere theory. Habermas's theory of public sphere which is based on Arendt's theory bears many important factors that influence the modern society. These factors not only ensure the operability of mass democracy, but also represent a breakthrough on the societal institutional level. In this paper, we attempt to observe the theory in its original context in which Habermas developed it, in order to reach the core of the theory and discover the reason behind its development; we shall also state the various connotations of a public sphere respectively, including the public sphere as a historical category, the public sphere as a normative concept, the public sphere's political function and relevant issues about civil society. The late capitalist society gave rise to the public sphere theory, therefore it cannot be separated from the historical context of Europe; Habermas's use of inter-subjectivity seeks the universality of understanding the theory, which provides a new validity in interpreting the public sphere as a normative concept; the introduction of both concepts "publicity" and "public opinion" gives Habermas's theory the implication of political function, leading the development of the theory to the theme of regime legitimacy and towards the legalization process of mass democracy; the two sides of "modernity as an unfinished project," the civil society and the public sphere, are regarded by Habermas as the new base of developing discourse democracy. Secondly, this paper discusses the condition and the legitimacy of theory used as an ideal type, theoretical tool and academic discourse in the Chinese context. We tend to agree with the bold use of western public sphere theory, at the same time we stress that the social context must be taken into consideration when applying the public sphere/civil society theory and propose that the use of concept should not only lay stress on the historical content behind the concept, but also avoid restricting the view by the sole theoretical frame. In order to explore the greater value of theory, we offer a unique theoretical perspective that exceeds the theory of the public sphere in modern China by constructing a discourse space with the intension of practice to connect the individual, the society and the country. It is noted that the subjectivity of the great majority of Chinese people should be established and the Chinese people's general rights of expression should be guaranteed in the social life space; the publicity beyond the "civil society" public approval is achieved in the discourse space should be explored; between country and society should be re-analyzed.
作者 邵培仁 展宁
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期82-102,共21页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
关键词 公共领域 哈贝马斯 阿伦特 西方理论 中国问题 public sphere Jurgen Habermas Hannah Arendt Western theory and the way in which and the relationship Chinese problems
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  • 4在美国的中国研究学界,将市民社会与公共领域理论用来分析清明以来中国社会,比较著名的有Robert K.Schoppa、William Rowe、Mary Rankin和David Strand等,而对此持批评看法的,有Frederic Wakeman、Philip Huang和Philip Kuh等.有关这场争论,参见William T.Rowe,The Problem of "Civil Society"in Late Imperial China ;Frederic Wakeman, Jr. , The Civil Society and Public Sphere Debate: Western Reflection on Chinese Political Culture Philip C.C.Huang,'Public Sphere'/'Civil Society'in China?,以上三文均见Modern China, vol. 19 no 2 (April 1993).
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