目的 通过与传统教学方法对比,探索以病例为基础学习教学方法(case-based learning,CBL)在老年病学教学中的应用效果.方法 以武汉大学医学部2009级五年制临床医学专业实验班40名学生为研究对象,学生正处于4年级.随机将这些学生分为实验组和对照组,20名实验组学生采用CBL教学方法,20名对照组学生采用传统教学方法.根据两组学生的问卷调查结果及理论考试成绩对两种教学方法进行评价.结果 问卷结果显示,95.0%实验组学生对CBL教学方法满意.两组学生的理论考试成绩显示,在基础理论知识的掌握方面,两组学生的客观题得分无明显差异;而反映综合分析、归纳能力的主观题得分,实验组高于对照组(P<0.01);总体得分情况和优秀比例的学生人数,实验组高于对照组(P<0.01).结论 在老年病学教学中,CBL教学方法更能够提高学生学习的自主性、积极性及综合能力,有助于提高教学质量.
Objective In order to study the effect of applying the case-based-learning (CBL) in geriatrics teaching.Methods 40 medical students who were 4th grade of 5-year experimental class in of Wuhan University were as the research people.40 students were randomly separated to two groups:test group and comparative group.Traditional teaching method was used to contrast group.Case-based learning method was used to another group.The teaching effect was compared with questionnaire and theory examination to the students.Results The questionnaire showed that 95.0% students were approved to use the case-based learning method.The examination showed that there was indifference between the two groups in basic knowledge.However the synthetical analysis ability and concluding ability of students in casebased learning group were higher than the contrast group (P<0.01).The score and excellent rate in casebase learning group were higher than contrast group (P<0.01).Conclusions The case-based learning method can obviously improve the self-determination ability,interesting,enthusiasm and synthetical analysis ability of the students.The teaching effect was obviously improved by the application of case-based learning to geriatrics teaching.
Chinese Journal of Medical Education
Case-based learning
Older epidemiology
Clinical teaching