
公司社会责任并购行为的市场反应实证研究 被引量:3

Empirical Study of M & A Market Reaction of Corporate Social Responsibility
摘要 以我国上市公司的并购案例分析社会责任并购行为的市场反应,发现:公告日前市场反应处于稳定状态,公告日后的累计异常收益率为正且明显上升,这说明并购行为短期内能有效提升证券市场业绩;社会责任并购行为的市场反应明显强于非社会责任并购行为的市场反应,且前者对市场的影响比后者更深远;社会责任评级高、同行并购、国有控股的邀约公司的累计异常收益率为正的概率大,但是关联交易会使邀约公司的累计异常收益率为负的可能性变大。 This paper studies M & A market reaction of corporate social responsibility. We find that: (1) before the announcement date, the market reaction is in a stable state. After that, the cumulative abnormal return is positive and significantly increased, indicating that M & A can effectively enhance the performance of the stock market in the short term; (2) the M & A market reaction of the social responsibility is significantly stronger than that of the non-social responsibility ; (3) the timeliness of M & A market reaction of the social resl6onsibility is 6.59 days and that of non-social responsibility is 4.08 days. The social responsibility M & A has more far-reaching impact on the market than the non- social responsibility M & A; (4) if one company has the higher-social responsibility rating and is peers M & A and state-owned holding company, the company will have greater possibility of cumulative abnormal returns being positive.
出处 《西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2013年第5期114-119,共6页 Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金(11XGL001)
关键词 社会责任 公司并购行为 市场反应 上市公司 证券市场 social responsibility mergers and acquisitions market reaction listed company stockmarket
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  • 9选择了不同的T1,就采用了不同的干净期对预期收益进行估计。由于T1变动较小时对结果的影响很小,而且T1每变化一次计算量将增加一倍,所以我们选择10—60天中每隔5天进行计算。
  • 10我们假设并购业绩在一年多的时间内到体现。实际上,并购是一种长期的经济行为,业绩的全面体现可能需要更长时间。但是,我们无法获取我国上市公司并购前后多年的财务数掘。即使条件允许,我们也必须考虑业绩变化是否仅由并购所产生。所以本文仅考察上市公司并购后一年多时间内的业绩变化。











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