目的 了解北京、广州待婚青年有关艾滋病、性病知识的认知和行为方面的异同。方法 对前往医院婚前检查的待婚青年进行问卷调查,由被调查者自己调查问卷,当场收回后对数据进行分析处理。结果 调查显示北京、广州两地待婚青年对性病艾滋病防治的基本常识有一定了解,但存在一些模糊认识,对性病艾滋病的恐惧与轻视心理同时存在;广州待婚青年的性观念相对更加开放,但对性病艾滋病防治的意识相对也强。结论 待婚青年对艾滋病、性病的认知程度有待提高,在待婚青年中开展性病艾滋病防治健康教育是需要的,也是可行的。
Objective To understand the difference of the knowledge, attitudes, behavior and practice related to HIV/ AIDS among the premarital youths between Beijing and Guangzhou. Methods The premarital youths who received premari tal physical examination were surveyed using the copies of a questionnaire which were collected and analyzed. Results It shown thai the youths before marriage in Beijing and Guangzhou knew the basic knowledge regarding HIV/AIDS and the ways of their prevention, but there were some confused ideas and misunderstandings on the preventive skills and treatment of AIDS/STD. The youths investigated were fear or indifferent of AIDS/STD. Not only was the sexual attitude of Guangzhou youths less conservative, but also they were more aware of HIV/STD prevention and treatment than those of Beijing youths. Conclusion The HIV/STD knowledge among Beijing and Guangzhou premanital youths needs to be improved, and it is necessary and feasible to conduct the health education of HIV/STD prevention among the premarital youth population.
Chinese Journal of Std & Aids Prevention and Control