针对国内在中大功率IGBT驱动技术方面比较落后的现状,重点研究了高压隔离开关电源的设计;详细分析了中大功率IGBT对驱动器电源的特殊要求,基于以上要求,采用反激变换原理设计了反激式DC-DC开关电源;根据变压器工作原理,设计了具有大于12 kV高隔离电压的开关电源变压器。并以英飞凌FZ1500R33HL3型IGBT为对象进行了试验,测试了驱动电源的性能,试验证明所设计的电源满足驱动器工作要求。
In allusion to the backward status of high-voltage IGBT drive technology at home, this paper focuses on the design of a high-voltage isolation switching power The special requirements of power for high-voltage IGBT drive are analyzed, and a DC-DC switching power supply based on the flyback transform principle is developed and a switching power supply transformer is designed, which has more than 12 kV isolation voltage. Taken Infineon FZ1500R33HL3 IGBT as experimental objects, the designed power performances are tested. The results show that the power supply can meet the requirements of the drive.
Marine Electric & Electronic Engineering