
直肠癌前切除综合征评分量表的汉化及信效度评价 被引量:46

Reliability and validity of Chinese version of Lower Anterior Resection Syndrome Score Assessment
摘要 目的引进和翻译前切除综合征评分量表,为建立直肠癌前切除患者术后排便功能评估提供研究基础;对翻译后的前切除综合征评分量表的信度、效度进行评价,探索其在国内的适用性。方法首先对前切除综合征评分量表进行翻译、回译及文化调适,确定前切除综合征评分量表的中文版,对天津某三甲医院普外科40例直肠癌患者进行排便功能评估,验证其信度和效度。结果中文版前切除综合征评分量表具有良好的重测信度,ICC=O.9615(95%,0.9272—0.9796);量表具有良好的评定者间信度,ICC--O.9394(95%C10.8854~0.9680);量表具有良好的内容效度,内容效度比(cva)为0.90;量表具有良好的结构效度,因子分析共提取了2个公因子,能解释总方差的60.659%,且各项目在相应因子上有较满意的因子载荷量(〉0.4)。结论中文版前切除综合征评分量表简洁易懂,使用方便;测试结果显示量表具有良好的信效度。建议前切除综合征评分量表可用于评估住院直肠癌患者术后是否有前切除综合征的初步筛查工具,作为临床判断的辅助工具。 Objective To translate LARS Score into Chinese and examine the reliability and validi- ty of the LARS Score to predict patient bowel function. Methods A convenience sample of 40 Chinese rectal patients was recruited sequentially from a tertiary first-class hospital in Tianjin. The patients were as- sessed for bowel function using the LARS Score after anterior resection. Data were collected to conduct reli- ability tests on test-retest,inter-rater and constant, construction validity. Results The field test demon- strated excellent repeatability with an ICC value of 0.9615 (95%CI 0.9272-0.9796); inter-rater reliability was high with an ICC value of 0.9394 (95%CI 0.8854~0.9680). Content validity was excellent which CVR was 0.90. Constructive validity was good, factor analysis extracted two common factors, which could explain 60.659% of the total variance, and each item on the corresponding factor had satisfactory factor loading quantity (〉0.4). Conclusions The Chinese version of LARS Score is easy to use and convenient to un- derstand; the evidence collected in this study has shown good reliability and validity of using the LARS Score in assessing bowel function of Chinese rectal cancer patients.
出处 《中国实用护理杂志》 北大核心 2013年第27期69-72,共4页 Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing
关键词 直肠癌 前切除综合征 信度 效度 Rectal cancer Anterior ressection syndrome Reliability Validity
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