目的观察汕头市城区儿童乘车安全措施使用情况,了解家长对乘车安全的认知态度,探讨提高儿童乘车安全的干预措施。方法采用横断面调查方法,对汕头市城区车载17岁以下儿童的乘车情况进行现场观察记录,同时对驾驶员进行现场问卷调查,调查地点包括22所中学、31所小学、24所幼儿园以及4所医院门口。结果本次研究共观察到3 333名乘车儿童,其中男童1 691人(50.7%),女童1 439人(43.2%),另有203(6.1%)名婴幼儿分辨不出性别。超过90.0%的儿童乘车时没有使用任何安全措施,26.5%的儿童乘坐于汽车副驾驶座。儿童年龄越大,佩戴安全带的比例越高。收集到驾驶员有效问卷1 069份,其中934(87.4%)位受访者为车载儿童的父母,62.0%的驾驶员认为儿童乘车时有必要使用安全座椅。结论儿童乘车安全措施使用率低,不正确乘坐方式普遍,受调查家长对汽车安全座椅的认识程度不高,提示对儿童父母实施乘车安全的健康教育干预措施有利于提高儿童乘车安全措施的使用率,促进儿童乘车安全。
Objective To observe the child safety restraint use and investigate the parents' attitude towards and knowledge of child safe traveling. Methods Field observation on child safety restraint and in-person survey of the drivers were conducted in Shantou. Locations of the observation included 22 middle schools, 31 primary schools, 24 kindergartens, and 4 hospitals. Results A total of 3 333 children were observed, with 1 691 boys and 1 439 girls and 203 infant or tod- dlers who were too young to identify the sex. More than 90. 0% of the children travelling in a vehicle were not restrained, and 26. 5% of the children were placed in the front seats. Of 1 069 drivers who were approached and responded to the sur- vey, 938(87.4% ) were parents of the children. Over 62.0% of surveyed drivers thought it was necessary to use child safety restraint when traveling with a child passenger. Conclusions Observed rate of child safety restraint use is extremely low, although common suboptimal seating position is prevalent. These findings indicate that effective parental educational interven- tion on child safety restraint use is warrant to ensure child safe traveling.
Chinese Journal of Disease Control & Prevention
Security measures
Cross-sectional studies