Objective To investigate the feasibility and preventive measures of complications in patients undergoing gynaecologic laparoscopic operations with LMA-Supreme ventilation anesthesia. Method A total of 100 patients under- going gynaecologic laparoscopic operations (The age ranged from 24 to 51 years old, average 34.5 years old; weight 48 to 68 kg, with an average of 58 kg) in general anesthesia were randomly selected. They have no contraindications of LMA preoperative, no cardiovascular disease and allergic history, and not have anatomical deformities in maxillofa- cial and throat region. Nothing Per-os 8 hours, routine monitoring includes BP, ECG, SPO2, HR and BIS. We se- lected 3# or 4# LMA on the basis of weight and height. Anesthesia induction was intravenously injection: midazolam 0.01mg/kg, sufentanil 0.1 ~ 0.2μg/kg, rocuronium 0. 8 - 1mg/kg, propofol 2mg/kg. Blind placement LMA suc- cessfully, the pressure of cuff inflating was 20 cmH2 O, the two-sided auscultation lungs respiratory murmur was sym- metrical, detected paw airway pressure, end-expiratory CO2 waveform was normal, and then IPPV, tidal volume was 8 10ml/kg, frequency was 13 bpm. Sevoflurane was inhaled during operation, intermittent injected sufeutanil and rocuronium, continous intravenous pumping remifentanil. Trendelenbury position angle was less than 25 degree, CO2 pneumoperitoneum pressure was between 12 to 14 cmH20, CO2 pneumoperitoneum flow was 2L/min, operative time was controlled in 2 hours. Result 100 patients undergoing gynaecologic laparoscopic operations, 98 patients were in the use of LMA: 87 patients were placed with success rate of 100%, 9 patients needed second adjusting because of gastric tube cannot be placed, 2 patients needed third adjusting, and 2 patients needed ETI" after repeatedly adjus- ting. Results patients were followed up after operation, 6 patients had transient sore throat, 2 patients had pharynx ministry eyewinker feels, 2 patients had mild hoarseness, recovery with no treatment, no reflux, aspiration and ab- dominal distention case was recurred. Conclusion LMA-Supreme blind placement in general anesthesia is available to gynaecologic laparoscopic operations, it has the advantages of simple to use, mild stress response, little airway and postoperative complication. LMA-Supreme can completely eliminate reflux and aspiration, if it the can be used han- dled correctly. It has exact effect of ventilation, safe and reliable, and it is worthy to be broadened.
Chinese Journal of Medicine
gynaecologic laparoscopic operations
LMA ventilation anesthesia
preventive measure