在互联网行业,数据序列化技术一直是数据交换机制的一个核心问题。近年来,随着大数据时代的到来,X M L作为传统序列化技术有它的优势,同时也存在着不足,从而催生了贴合时代要求且各具特色的几大新兴技术。本文针对现有序列化技术进行综合总结论述,概述几大流行技术并列举它们的优缺点,展望序列化技术的发展方向。
Serialization technology is always the core problem of data exchange in the Intemet industry. In recent years, as the big data era is coming up, there are some emerging technologies that meet the new needs. This paper gives an overview of serialization technologies, and lists their advantages and disadvantages, and prospects the development of the serialization technology.
Computer & Telecommunication