为了适应新版C-NCAP管理规则正面偏置碰撞速度提高到64 km/h的规定,分别对9款乘用车进行了2012版C-NCAP中正面全宽和偏置2种碰撞试验,通过对前排乘员试验结果进行比较分析,指出乘用车2种碰撞形态下的各性能指标值十分相近,头部、颈部及大腿是满分点,胸部压缩变形量和副驾驶侧乘员左侧小腿上部胫骨指数是主要失分点,两侧乘员的内侧大腿压缩力是可能失分点,为前排乘员约束系统的开发提供了指导。
Tests of full frontal collision and frontal offset collision stipulated in 2012 C-NCAP have been done respectively for nine models to allow the collision speed to reach to 64 km/h issued in C-NCAP during the full frontal collision. After the comparison on the frontal row occupant's injury index of vehicle between full frontal and full offset collisions, it points out that the indexes are similar in 2 different collision tests for passenger ear. The indexes of head, neck and leg are points for making good score, the chest deflection index and the index for upper tibia of left leg in assistant driver's side are mainly points fnr making bad score, at the same time the index of the inner thigh deflection may be point for making bad senre, it provides the reference for developing frontal row occupant's restraint system.
Automotive Engineer