目的研究护士鞋跟设计与诱发拇外翻的相关性,为临床护士选择合适的工作鞋从而改善护士职业安全提供依据。方法采用自行设计的调查问卷,对87例各科临床护士进行护士鞋跟设计对足部影响的调查。结果 63.2%的护士认为坡跟护士鞋的鞋尖处感觉狭窄,认为工作时穿着坡跟护士鞋会感足趾关节疼痛的护士占69%,护士的工作状态、护士鞋对足趾挤压程度与坡跟鞋引起的足趾关节疼痛呈正相关(P<0.05),且坡跟鞋引起的足趾关节疼痛又与拇外翻发生呈正相关(P<0.01)。结论护士鞋坡跟设计增加了拇外翻病变的发生几率,针对护士群体,及护士特殊工作状态,应减少采取护士鞋坡跟设计,以改善临床护士的职业健康状况。
Objective To investigate the relationship between the heel design of nurse shoes and the incidences of hallux valgus. The findings of this study will help clinical nurses to choose right shoes to keep the occhpational safety. Methods To investigate 87 clinical nurses in different department through answering the questionnaire designed by the investigator. Results 63.2% clinical nurses felt squeezing wearing wedge heel of nurse shoes, 69% clinical nurses showed that wedge heel of. nurse shoes could contribute the pain of the hallux joint. The working position and the extent of squeezing of shoes have positive relationship with the pain of po- darthrum (P〈0.05), and the wedge heel has positive relationship with hallux valgus(P〈0.01 ).Conclusion The result of the study demonstrated that the wedge heel of nurse shoes will cause hallux valgus. Therefore, wedge heel of the nurse shoes should not be de- signed for reducing the occurence of hallux valgus in clinical nurses.
Nurse shoes
Hallux valgus
Occupational health