

Labor quality and industrial structure evolution: a literature review
摘要 随着我国逐渐步入工业化中后期,产业结构的调整升级成为工业转型的重要手段。梳理和回顾国内外关于劳动力素质和产业结构演化的相关文献,研究其发展脉络和逻辑关系。研究发现,一个国家或地区可以通过利用其自身要素禀赋结构的比较优势选择适宜自己发展的产业政策,能够最小化其模仿成本,较快地转变其产业结构。对于发展中国家来说,可以利用其自身的劳动力禀赋优势提高劳动力素质,实现产业结构的持续升级。在进行技术引进时,应当选择和自身劳动力素质相匹配的适宜技术,从而以较低的成本实现技术水平的提升和产业结构的升级。劳动力素质还可以通过国际贸易的外包和组织变革来实现产业结构的升级。 As China entering the mid and later stage of industrialization gradually, the adjustment and upgrade of industrial structure have become an important means of industrial transformation. The related literatures on labor quality and industrial structure evolution at home and abroad are summarized and reviewed, and the developing path and logical relation of them are studied. The research shows that a country or region can select suitable industrial policy for its own development through the comparative advantage of its factor endowment structure, minimize the costs of imitation, and transform its industrial structure quickly. For the developing countries, they can use their own labor endowment advantage to improve labor quality, so as to achieve sustained upgrade of industrial structure. In the introduction of technology, they should select the appropriate technology matching with labor quality, in order to achieve the improvement of the technology level and the upgrade of industrial structure at a smaller cost. Labor quality can also realize the upgrade of industrial structure through outsourcing in international trade and organizational transformation.
作者 龚健健
出处 《沈阳工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第4期327-334,共8页 Journal of Shenyang University of Technology(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目(12AJY005) 中国社会科学院创新工程项目(SKGJCX2013-01)
关键词 劳动力素质 产业结构 产业政策 产业升级 工业化 工业转型 人力资本 经济增长 labor quality industrial structure industrial policy industrial upgrade industrialization industrial transformation human capital economic growth
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