Two wild mushrooms frequently consumed in Jordan were collected form Jordan forests in spring 2012. Each sample was studied in the lab by taking measurements on the morphological structures of the cap, stem, and recording gill's color, shape and dimensions. Also smell and taste for each fruiting structure were taken in consideration. Spore print for each sample was also defined. Spores of each mushroom were microscopically tested and measured. These mushrooms were identified as Pleurotus eryngi and Tricholoma terreum. The two mushrooms were evaluated for their physical properties, chemical and mineral composition. Contents of Ca, Na, K, Zn, Mn, Cu, Fe and Mg were determined. For each mushroom species two mixed samples were analyzed. Nitrogen content was detected with Kjeldahl method and protein content (%) was calculated by multiplying nitrogen content with the factor 4.38. The highest protein content calculated on oven dry weight basis was found in Pleurotus eryngi which was around 30.6%, while Tricholoma terreum contained lowest protein content (17.4%). Pleurotus eryngi accumulated trace elements at high ratios as for P, Ca and Na 0.99%, 0.65% and 0.57% respectively while Tricholoma terreum contained more K (5.1%) than the other wild mushroom. Total soluble carbohydrates (50.8%), crude fiber (13.4%) and ash (12.2%) percentages were higher in Tricholoma terreum than in Pleurotus eryngi.