宽线地震勘探在低信噪比地区的前期勘探中发挥了重要作用,尤其在西部山前带地区取得了较好的效果.围绕提高信噪比这一主题,通过理论分析和实际资料对比,逐一探讨了宽线观测系统的激发点数、接收线数、接收线距、覆盖次数等主要参数对资料信噪比的影响作用.研究结果表明:在覆盖次数相同时,增加接收线数比增加激发点数提高信噪比的效果更明显;随着接收线距的增加信噪比有所提高,相对较为合理的宽线接收线距是40~80 m;增加覆盖次数在提高信噪比的同时也会增强近地表次生干扰,因此,综合考虑资料品质和采集成本,常规宽线勘探的覆盖次数选为单线二维观测系统覆盖次数的3~6倍较为合适.最后提出了两类适合不同地区特点的宽线观测系统建议.
Wideline seismic survey plays an important role in prophase exploration in low S/N area,especially in piedmont zones in Western China.Surrounding the theme of improving S/N,by theoretical analysis and comparison on actual data,the impact of the S/N on the number of source points or receiver lines,line interval space and folds of wide line geometry are discussed.It is concluded that:①increasing the number of receiver lines is more effective in improving S/N than increasing the number of sources for the same folds;② the S/N will be improved with the increase of the receiver lines interval and the reasonable value of wide line interval is 40~80m. However,the coherence noise produced by near surface increases while increasing the folds.Therefore,by comprehensively considering the quality of data and the cost of acquisition,the folds of conventional wideline survey should be selected as 3~6 times of a common 2D seismic geometry.Finally,some suggestions for designing two types of wideline seismic geometries for different geological characters are proposed.
Geophysical Prospecting For Petroleum