
Degree One Loading by Pressure Variations at the CMB

Degree One Loading by Pressure Variations at the CMB
摘要 Hemispherical asymmetry in core dynamics induces degree-1 pressure variations at the core mantle boundary (CMB), which in turn deforms the overlaying elastic mantle, at the same time keeps center of mass of the whole Earth stationary in space. We develop a systematic procedure to deal with the degree-1 CMB pressure loading. We find by direct calculation a surprisingly negative load Love number h1=-1.425 for vertical displacement. Further analysis indicates that the negative hi corre- sponds to thickening above the positive load that defies intuition that pressure inflation pushes over- laying material up and thins the enveloping shell. We also redefine the pressure load Love numbers in general to enable comparison between the surface mass load and the CMB pressure load for the whole spectrum of harmonic degrees. We find that the gravitational perturbations from the two kinds of loads at degrees n〉l are very similar in amplitude but opposite in sign. In particular, if the CMB pressure variation at degree 2 is at the level of -1 hpa/yr (1 cm water height per year), it would perturb the variation of Earth's oblateness, known as the J2, at the observed level. Hemispherical asymmetry in core dynamics induces degree-1 pressure variations at the core mantle boundary (CMB), which in turn deforms the overlaying elastic mantle, at the same time keeps center of mass of the whole Earth stationary in space. We develop a systematic procedure to deal with the degree-1 CMB pressure loading. We find by direct calculation a surprisingly negative load Love number h1=-1.425 for vertical displacement. Further analysis indicates that the negative hi corre- sponds to thickening above the positive load that defies intuition that pressure inflation pushes over- laying material up and thins the enveloping shell. We also redefine the pressure load Love numbers in general to enable comparison between the surface mass load and the CMB pressure load for the whole spectrum of harmonic degrees. We find that the gravitational perturbations from the two kinds of loads at degrees n〉l are very similar in amplitude but opposite in sign. In particular, if the CMB pressure variation at degree 2 is at the level of -1 hpa/yr (1 cm water height per year), it would perturb the variation of Earth's oblateness, known as the J2, at the observed level.
出处 《Journal of Earth Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第5期736-749,共14页 地球科学学刊(英文版)
基金 supported in part by NASA(No.NNX09AK70G)
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